Akane - Cybernetic Sniper (VCC/SPS/Quest/Green Ver.) Unity 2022
Introducing my first commercial model, Akane, the Cybernetic Sniper!
BUY FOR $40 ON MY PAYHIP - https://payhip.com/b/cV2kg
Please join my discord server to not miss out on any potential updates or new avatar releases! You can contact me or my staff in my server for any questions or concerns
Want a matching set? Click here for the couple's package!
- Unity 2022.3.22f1
- VRChat Creator Companion
- Poiyomi 8.0.426 (Provided)
- Mochie's Unity Shader (Provided)
- VRCFury
This model is built for VRChat and requires the use of the VRChat Creator Companion (Updated for Unity 2022!)
- Fullbody ready! Also, dance-friendly
- Custom mixable face gestures with Combo Gesture Expressions!
- Fully working Pistol and Sniper Rifle!
- Responds to headpats and noseboops!
- Clean dissolves on all clothing
- Hidden knife inside the cybernetic arm
- Don't like the tattoos? There's a toggle for that!
- Stealth mode, turn into a hologram!
- All emissions have a hueshift and rainbow mode
- Comes with SleightlyBall 2.0, and allows you to share your springjoint with friends!
- Comes with an Optimized version
- Custom Menu Icons!
- Comes with GoGo Loco for half body users, and a flight function!
- Comes with a moveable avatar pen
- Option to reduce jiggle physics!
- Quest compatible!
- Clothing has clean dissolves
- Mute detection, adds an icon next to your head when you're muted!
- Body adjustments
- Reduce jiggle physics
- Hue shift + Rainbow mode for the indecisive days
- Audiolink
- Tattoos
- Cybernetic Arm / Hidden Knife / Claws
- Stealth mode (So sneaky)
- Grabbable Sniper Rifle and Pistol
- Avatar Pen
- SleightlyBall 2.0 Springjoints
- SPS + Lollipop
- Flight with GoGo Loco
- Zinfit Base (Edited) - Sugs#9795 - https://zinpia.sellfy.store/p/zin-fit-base/
- Head (Minor texture edits) - Cicieaaa#7777 - https://cicieaaavr.gumroad.com/
- Tattoo Textures - Ava#7675 - https://ava7675.gumroad.com/l/GuzzlingCandy?layout=profile
- Dexi Hair - Sugs#9795 - https://zinpia.sellfy.store/p/hair-pack-1/
- CyTech Pants - Mars#1776 - https://virtualthreads.gumroad.com/l/CyTechPants?layout=profile
- Aretis Bomber Jacket (Edited)- Mars#1776 - https://virtualthreads.gumroad.com/l/AretisBomber?layout=profile
- Crop Top (Texture edit by me) - Hoizen#2034 - https://hoizen.gumroad.com/l/vxdmk?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
- Bra - ничто#6666 - https://apyr.gumroad.com/l/ijqws?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
- Panties (Texture edit by me) - Milky Mommy#6969 - https://milkymommy.gumroad.com/l/siaej?layout=profile
- Mask - NippNipp#0001 - https://nippnipp.gumroad.com/l/AccessoryPack?layout=profile
- Shoes - NippNipp#0001 - https://nippnipp.gumroad.com/l/HighTopShoes?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
- Robot Arm (Complete texture edit + retractable knife by me) - Julie♥#7238 - https://julievr.gumroad.com/l/viperandchrisarm?layout=profile
- Glove - ничто#6666 - https://apyr.gumroad.com/l/cfwcv?layout=profile
- Gun Holster - Emberrr#6096
- Poiyomi Toon 8.0.426 (Package Included) - https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases/tag/V8.0.426
- Mochie Shader v1.34 (Package Included) - https://github.com/MochiesCode/Mochies-Unity-Shaders
- MetaMonkeys Hologram Shader (Included) - https://booth.pm/en/items/3551774
Fun Stuff:
- SleightlyBall v2 - JustSleightly#0001 - https://justsleightly.gumroad.com/l/SleightlyBall?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
- Blood Sacrifice Springjoint Asset - BlurryVision#3636 - https://blurryvision.gumroad.com/l/BloodSacrifice?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
- Interactable Sniper Rifle (Optimized and reworked logic to play nice with GoGo Scale) - Liindy#7120 - https://liindy.gumroad.com/l/Tac300Sniper?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
- Sniper Rifle Asset (Optimized and rigged for proper use by me) - trolosqlfod - https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/sniper-rifle-futuristic-b00986dc8fe649319d3e934a288c3bb9
- Energy Pistol Asset - Mars#1776 - https://virtualthreads.gumroad.com/l/EnergyPistol?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
- GoGo Loco (Menu Names by me) - franada#0001 - https://franadavrc.gumroad.com/l/gogoloco?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
- Fake Index Hands - Milkers~#4457 - https://snoww.gumroad.com/l/FakeIndexBySnoww?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
- Sci-Fi Gun Reload - https://www.pond5.com/sound-effects/item/191169610-sci-fi-gun-reload-01
- Laser Fire - https://www.pond5.com/sound-effects/item/163356994-laser-gun-futuristic-weapon-small-blaster-cyber-weapon-green
- SPS + Lollipop - wholesome - https://wholesomevr.gumroad.com/
- Amazing Showcase/Cover photos - addydays#2222 - https://linktr.ee/Addydays
- All my amazing friends for putting up with my BS for these past few weeks, I love you all <3
Terms of Use:
By purchasing my models/assets, you agree to the following terms
- You may NOT reuse any assets from this package / price split / share / upload publicly / redistribute / re-sell model, parts, setup or settings.
- You may gift this model, but only by providing their email and VRChat name at checkout
- You are allowed to use this model privately in other VR related titles
- You are allowed to use this model for media, streaming, and video creation. However if the media is monetized, model must be credited
- Do not upload this model for anyone else
- You may not use my model for any harmful, threatening, offensive, or abusive material
- All sales final, non-refundable
Your purchase will come with Akane PC and Quest packages, along with the necessary shader packages, a quick start guide and a how-to for the guns. Thank you for your support! <3
Your purchase will come with Akane PC and Quest packages, along with the necessary shader packages, and some documentation