Profile PictureEmberrr

Viktor's Special Lunar Reef Tattoo Set

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Viktor's Special Lunar Reef Tattoo Set



This tattoo set was converted from KC's Inclusive Base for Ragga's Lunar Reef base with permission from Baconator#5286. Check out his works!

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This tattoo uses Poiyomi 8.1.163, this can be found here:

What you get:

-Tattoo Decal

-Normal Map

-3 Emission Maps

-1 Combined Emission Map

-Matcap Mask

-Premade material

What you won't get:

-Base textures for Lunar Reef Base. You must add these yourself

All textures are 4k, compressed to 2k in Unity

By purchasing my models/assets, you agree to the following terms

-You may NOT reuse any assets from this package / price split / share / redistribute / re-sell parts, setup or settings.

-You may only sell this asset on completed models with credit to Baconator#5286, Emberrr#6096 and this store page

-You may NOT claim this asset as your own

-You may gift this asset, but only by providing the giftee's email and VRChat name at checkout

-You may not use this asset for any harmful, threatening, offensive, or abusive material

-All sales final, non-refundable

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